Services Directory

Directory of Services Click to expand Emergency Numbers Barbados Fire Service                          PBX 535-7824/25 FIRE                                                                  311     POLICE                                                            211  ...
Dame Avisene Caesaretta Carrington, DA, SCM

Dame Avisene Caesaretta Carrington, DA, SCM

Dame Avisene Caesaretta Carrington, DA, SCM, was born in the Ivy, St. Michael to Robert and Beatrice Inniss on September 17, 1918. From an early age Avisene Carrington had a passion for teaching, which had its origins in a divine plan that kept her in the classroom...
Gwendoline Thorne

Gwendoline Thorne

Courtesy of the Barbados Ball Canada Aid: Born in Glebe Land, St. George in 1914, Mrs. Gwendoline Eileen Thorne attended Belmont Girls School, St. Michael. She came to Canada in 1959 and settled in...
Constance Jordan

Constance Jordan

Constance Jordan was described as the sugar cake specialist by her neighbours and friends in Marley Vale, St. Philip.  In earlier days, Constance was a hawker and among the nuts and fruits sold from her tray in Marley Vale, were tasty sugar cakes made from almond...

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