Winston Richardson’s sharp wit and “razor-sharp” memory endears him to everyone he encounters.

The affable centenarian, familiarly known as “Woody”, was the man of the moment at Rendezvous Retreat on Monday, December 30, 2019, as residents joined Acting Governor General Sir Kenneth Hewitt, in offering a toast to him during birthday celebrations there.

The Acting Governor General was impressed with “Woody’s” youthful looks and remarked that his longevity could be attributed to diet, and his athleticism to the days of being an avid sportsman.

“It is a privilege to be in the company of someone who is 105 years old….  He was an avid sportsman and I have no doubt, that in addition to exercise, diet must have played a role.  It would be good if you can tell us younger folk what you did eat or did not eat, what you drank or did not drink,” Sir Kenneth said, to peals of laughter from those in attendance.

Mr. Richardson thanked all those who attended his birthday celebrations, and declared that he “still had a little something left in him”.

Born in Castries, St. Lucia, “Woody” came to Barbados at the age of 12 and attended the Combermere School.  On leaving school, he was the Chief Superintendent at the Water Works, now the Barbados Water Authority.  He was responsible for looking after the water supply for the entire country.

In sporting circles, he was a quarter-miler; ran the then 220-yard (200 metres), and 440-yard (400 metres) races; played football for Barbados; and was a commodore for the then Barbados Cruising Club.  In his spare time, he was an avid amateur radio operator, and built all of his electrical gadgets.

He was married to Vincentian Theresa Ambrose, now deceased.  The couple had three children.