Constance Jordan

Constance Jordan

Constance Jordan was described as the sugar cake specialist by her neighbours and friends in Marley Vale, St. Philip.  In earlier days, Constance was a hawker and among the nuts and fruits sold from her tray in Marley Vale, were tasty sugar cakes made from almond...
Osbourne Downes

Osbourne Downes

Osbourne Downes affectionately called “Glester” was born at Cleavers Hill New Road, now St. Elizabeth New Road, St. Joseph. He was a sugar worker at heart.  Not only did Osbourne work long hours in sugar factories, he also enjoyed planting sugar cane.  When...
Oliver Fitzgerald Alleyne-Williams

Oliver Fitzgerald Alleyne-Williams

Oliver Alleyne-Williams was born in Arch Hall, St. Thomas to Jemima and Joseph Williams. Married to Doreen Williams (nee Boyce) who predeceased him, the couple resided at Richmond, St. Michael and later moved to King Edward Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael.  They had...
Matilda Jane Barrow

Matilda Jane Barrow

Matilda Jane Barrow, affectionately known as “Tilly or Baba,” was born to James and Martha Skeete, at Pickering, St. Lucy.  Tilly lost her parents at an early age and as a result, she and her siblings became residents of the Almshouse.  Tilly was eventually...
Marie Brereton

Marie Brereton

Marie Brereton was born in Belair, St. George.  She attended St. George’s Parish Church. Ms. Brereton had a good appetite and her mental faculties, although her eyesight was failing.  She loved ground provisions and had a sweet tooth.